Monday, May 5, 2008

Talk sex … shall we?

This is 21st century India honey (as if you needed mine telling you that!!!). So what if India used to once be the land of K-sutra … we are now heavily draped in the most regressive form of Victorian morality. Sex has to be there but swaddled in idiotic and gross double-talk.

Take Bollywood movies, for instance. Can we have a “real” kiss for godsake? Not the “late outswinger” kind of body movement that comes by way of an apology for a kiss. Can the camera please freeze a plausible erotic act rather than doling out smudged screenshots of a simulated orgasm?

New-age India is all about going forward. Gen-next is asserting itself like never before. But try having an intellectual talk on erotica with the crowd that peppers its talk with loaned terms like “fuck you” and all you get is a response steeped in confusion and prejudice.

Enough of reaching for a release behind the curtain. It’s high time we all came clear.

Let’s talk sex … shall we?


illusions said...

You bet! Talk surely...have more importantly!!

nishikutumbo said...

couldn't have agreed more ;)